Tax Exemption

Tax-Free Option for Status Card Holders:

At Jack & Co. Apparel, we are pleased to offer a tax-free option for customers who hold a valid status card and wish to have their products delivered on reserve. We are still smoothing out the process, so please be patient with us.

Please follow these below steps:

1. Contact our customer support team and inform them of your intent to avail the tax-free option at

2. Provide a clear copy of your valid status card for verification purposes in email, as well as the mailing address you wish to have products mailed to.

3. Once we have received and verified your status card, as well as the reserve address we will create or update your account to reflect the tax-free status.

4. Going forward, all future orders placed through your account should automatically have tax exemption applied.

5. Please do not change your address to a non- reserve address after being setup as you will be held liable for the taxes that were not applied.

It is important to note that this tax-free option applies only to orders delivered on reserve and does not apply to any purchases made prior to the setup of your tax-free account. We appreciate your cooperation in facilitating this process, as it ensures a seamless and enjoyable shopping experience.

Should you have any questions or require further assistance, please do not hesitate to reach out to our dedicated customer support team. We are here to help!


Let us know if you have any questions and we will get back to you in 1-2 business days.

Tax exemption?

Do you have a status card, live on a reserve or have a reserve mailing address? Send your order through the contact form and receive your tax exemption.

Contact form